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Call Of Duty Customer Service

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These days, providing adequate customer service is not enough.

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You need to go above and beyond the call of duty to provide customer service that truly stands out. How do you do this?

Begin by thinking about your own experience as a customer -- what you liked and disliked in certain situations.

Recall the times you were delighted by extra efforts to accommodate your needs or outraged by rudeness or negligence. This will give you greater insight into what makes for extraordinary customer service.

To put yourself in the customer's shoes, try visiting a wide range of businesses your customers are likely to frequent. This could include your direct competitors, as well as companies that sell related products and services.

Observe how your customers are treated in addition to the kinds of services that seem to be important to them. Then adopt your business accordingly.

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Going above and beyond is especially important when a customer has complained or there is a problem with a purchase. Suppose an order is delayed. What can you do?

  1. Call the customer personally with updates on the status of the order and expected arrival time.
  2. Hand-deliver the merchandise when it arrives.
  3. Take 20 or 30 percent off the cost.
  4. Send a note apologizing for the delay -- tucked inside a gift basket full of goodies.

These are all ways of showing the customer you're on his side. Brave browser 80 1 4 96 full.

Going above and beyond doesn't always mean offering deep discounts or giving away products. With a little ingenuity and effort, you can show customers they are important at any time.

Suppose you've just received the newest samples and colors for your home furnishings line. Why not invest your best customers to a private showing, complete with music, appetizers and a coupon good for one free hour of consultation?

Emergency orders and last-minute changes should be accommodated when possible, especially for important occasions such as weddings or a big trade show. Customers remember these events … and they will remember your flexibility and prompt response to their needs, too.

Being accessible also wins loyalty. Customer loyalty is hard to win and easy to lose. But by going above and beyond with your customer service, you'll soon see your sales going above and beyond those of your competitors.

Excellent customer service is more than what you say and do for the customer. It also means giving customers a chance to make their feelings known.

Here are some suggestions for finding out what your customers want, need and care about:

  1. Attend trade shows and industry events that are important to your customers.
  2. Nurture a human bond, as well as a business one, with customers and prospects.
  3. Keep alert for trends; then respond to them.
  4. Ask for feedback.

Whatever you do, don't rest on your laurels. Regularly evaluate your product or service to be sure it is still priced, packaged and delivered right.


'Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.' – Blaise Pascal

When your job is to talk to your company's customers, it becomes necessary to know what to say. While many companies understand the importance of good customer service, not many of them focus on improving it.

But as a call centre representative, you'd want to help your customer as much as you can. Using the right words can help you considerably in this regard.

Why use selective words (or phrases)?

The choice of words can have a huge impact on your service quality. In most of the cases, when a customer comes to you, he or she is confused and/ or frustrated. The customer wants to know the answers to an issue or he/she wants to resolve one.

You'll be the person who will be taking care of the customer. If you irritate the customer, he or she might stop using your company's product. On the other hand, if you treat the customer the right way, you might increase the company's revenue. The difference in both of these scenarios is of the choice of words.

But you don't need to worry. We have compiled a list of the 21 best English phrases for call centre agents. You can get started with them right away.

You can bookmark this page for future reference because these magical phrases can boost your growth easily.

Apathy Phrases for Call Center Agents:

  1. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and I assure you I'll do everything possible to help you
  2. I appreciate your patience
  3. I'll do everything to resolve this issue as soon as possible
  4. What I can do right now is
  5. I see how frustrating it must be, let's see how we can work this out
  6. If I were in your position, I would be feeling the same way
  7. You are right
  8. Your business means a lot to us

These phrases will help you cool off a frustrated customer. Showing you understand their perspective and you will do everything possible to solve their problems will help you.

Remember to keep your customers' perspective in mind whenever you are dealing with the same. This way, you will be able to handle an angry or frustrated customer with much ease.

Here's an example of how you can use some of these phrases:

Customer: What? I've been put on hold for over 20 minutes and you're saying you have to transfer me? How much time will this take?

Agent: I appreciate your patience, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I'm sure this won't take much time.

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Agent: I understand sir. I'll do everything to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

You can use various combinations of these phrases to please the customers. Switching up the words is also possible but ensure that you sound professional and caring at the same time.

Phrases for instructing the customer

If you have to tell your customer to do something, do it in a friendly way. Don't sound harsh or strict. Instead, tell them that the process is simple and it won't take much time.

  1. All you need to do…
  2. A simple way to do that is to…

Bluestacks shortcut keys. Although these phrases are simple, they will ensure that your customer feels valued.

Phrases for handling escalations in call centres

'Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.' – Dale Carnegie

A frustrated customer can turn negative quickly and irritate you. As a call centre representative, you should always keep calm and avoid any outrage. The best way to do so is by using some of the following phrases:

  1. So you're saying that…
  2. What you're saying…
  3. If I'm getting the story right then…
  4. Did you mean to tell me…
  5. If I understand you correctly…

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Use these phrases whenever you feel angry yourself. It will let you refocus the customer on the related issue and not the conversation.

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Phrases for making the customer feel valued

Making your client feel valued will help you in many instances. It will help you in removing frustration and improving the customer service experience substantially. Don't know what to say? Here are some phrases that can help:

  1. That's a great question…
  2. I would be more than happy…
  3. I would be happy to help you
  4. That's a good choice
  5. A lot of people prefer
  6. Because you're a valued customer

You can win the heart of the customer by using these phrases. Imagine yourself on the receiving end of such emphatic and positive phrases. Wouldn't it be great?

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